2012. augusztus 20., hétfő

Heaven Lite

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have been looking for images of Lesbian superstars Cynthia Nixon, Ellen DeGeneres and Annie Lennox on the web - thank God, there are lots of pictures and all that I downloaded were so beautiful that I had to attach all of them to this Blog Post...

I think Lesbian women are a marvel... Perhaps they are the top of being female and powerful at the same time... They are independent from men, they have a career and they radiate love, intelligence and faith... I think that it is marvelous, too that you cannot really talk about a Lesbian sub-culture any more (among others because of such Lesbian superstars) - only about a culture in general that is stronger and more colorful than ever before... Like it or not strong women also make the way of success and social integration easier for gay men...

I think the world needs more of self-conscious Lesbian women...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. augusztus 5., vasárnap

A Little Bit Of Blasphemy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My bodyguards (SWAT) have got a list of the enemies of peace:

1) mentally sick people,
2) the lower 10,000,
3) parties of the opposition,
4) lonely people,
5) adults living in a bad marriage,
6) the military,
7) religious extremists,
8) very intelligent people,
9) artists,
10) physical workers...

Of course, they also have methods for the restoration of peace:

1) public education,
2) free health care,
3) stately acknowledgement of achievements,
4) automation,
5) changing the system of the society,
6) luxuries,
7) the law enforcement system,
8) sexy SWAT teams...

I do hope that my sexy bodyguards didn't mean a word of the above... This must have been only a test...

Best wishes, ACME and Team