2014. június 17., kedd

iReport - June 17th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have the latest image about my life... Computers that you don't deal regularly with may become wild, for a great piece of success you need lots of patience...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2014. április 4., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental VIP - Colour Plan

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have found out this livery while I was thinking that I wouldn't be able to fly on a private jet called Air Force One... The 80 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental VIPs could receive this livery which I had ordered for my crowded family - perhaps it represents the best of ancient times...

It is rude not to accept anything from another human... Who offers anything good to us repeatedly... I have just realised that my wife (who is a painter with a huge reputation herself) or an industrial designer employed by her design very tasteful private Jumbo Jets of Boeing, mostly in the colours sand-colour and wine-red... I have seen such liveries already in the internet but I did not know that they were meant for me - and for the family of the two of us, respectively... When I saw the private jet of my wife it was a very similar and tasteful little jet in sand-colour and gold-brown... The design of these Jumbo Jets looks similar to that of the Royal Boeing 747 Aircraft of Dubai, some designs are more daring... The liveries of the Jumbo Jets I mean are passionate but very restrained at the same time with some US Americans motives and the whole of the jets is very harmonic from the outside which suggests a very comfortable and cozy interior...

As it doesn't make a sense to collect liquid money without end and it makes a sense to spend on a pleasant life-style (it is quite a new discovery of mine but this is one of the crucial elements of the philosophy of life of my wife) including world-travel and social life and fantastic meals I have changed my mind... If my wife wants to buy me a Jumbo Jet of Boeing on her own money then I accept it gladly and I am immensely grateful to her for the beautiful present in advance...

Unfortunately I did not know how joyful it may be to live together with her... With a sense... To be exact none of us knew this...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2014. március 8., szombat

How Do I Imagine The Funeral Of My Foster-father

Ladies and Gentlemen,

One of my closest relatives wrote a poem which was not able to be any more beautiful on the occasion of the death of our foster-father - I have outlined how I imagine his funeral which I did not attend... As I have the right to security, freedom and the pursuit of happiness...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2014. február 14., péntek

Airbus A370 And Boeing 700 Ecoliner - For My Grand-Mother

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have re-dreamed the "big" Ecoliner concept of Airbus and of Boeing as a flying wing concept... A flying wing concept is always better than a conventional airframe because of its greater uplift... For a full double-deck aircraft you need all uplift of the world...

When you have got plenty of uplift the engines can be smaller than the originally planned giant engines... I imagined the wings of my Ecoliner concept as "flexible  wings" which can house 3 types of turbofan jet engines according to the choice of the customers...

The noise within the passenger cabin of flying wing concepts might be a problem in case of greater jet engines that is why I found out a noise reduction for all available types of modern turbofan jet engines for the "big" Airbus and Boeing Ecoliner...

I have been mostly inspired by the Antonov AN-124 Ruslan (American pilots call it "Condor" - I love this name) which must have the largest possible sizes of a flying wing concept... An Antonov AN-124 is 68 meters long and it has got a wingspan of 73 meters... I guess you need a wider wingspan than the length of the fuselage so that you reach the flying wing effect - however no aircraft can have a wider wingspan than 73 meters if you want to find any place for the aircraft at airports... So the fuselage can be maximally 68 meters long...

A big Ecoliner of Airbus or of Boeing with its fuselage of a length of 68 meters (Boeing 777-8X: 69 meters) could seat approx. seat 600 - 700 passengers in a 3-class-configuration on 2 full decks... With engines that enable only lower cruising speeds the Ecoliner could connect airports which are situated relatively closely to each other, but with engines that enable very high cruising speeds the Ecoliner could connect the most distant airport-pairs, too all over the world in a very comfortable way...

Best wishes, ACME and Team