2014. április 4., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental VIP - Colour Plan

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have found out this livery while I was thinking that I wouldn't be able to fly on a private jet called Air Force One... The 80 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental VIPs could receive this livery which I had ordered for my crowded family - perhaps it represents the best of ancient times...

It is rude not to accept anything from another human... Who offers anything good to us repeatedly... I have just realised that my wife (who is a painter with a huge reputation herself) or an industrial designer employed by her design very tasteful private Jumbo Jets of Boeing, mostly in the colours sand-colour and wine-red... I have seen such liveries already in the internet but I did not know that they were meant for me - and for the family of the two of us, respectively... When I saw the private jet of my wife it was a very similar and tasteful little jet in sand-colour and gold-brown... The design of these Jumbo Jets looks similar to that of the Royal Boeing 747 Aircraft of Dubai, some designs are more daring... The liveries of the Jumbo Jets I mean are passionate but very restrained at the same time with some US Americans motives and the whole of the jets is very harmonic from the outside which suggests a very comfortable and cozy interior...

As it doesn't make a sense to collect liquid money without end and it makes a sense to spend on a pleasant life-style (it is quite a new discovery of mine but this is one of the crucial elements of the philosophy of life of my wife) including world-travel and social life and fantastic meals I have changed my mind... If my wife wants to buy me a Jumbo Jet of Boeing on her own money then I accept it gladly and I am immensely grateful to her for the beautiful present in advance...

Unfortunately I did not know how joyful it may be to live together with her... With a sense... To be exact none of us knew this...

Best wishes, ACME and Team