2012. december 24., hétfő

Me And The Law Against Junk

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Junk is basically what is not true... The Law Against Junk must have the strongest effect in Hungary, it is also there in Germany and I seem to have the most freedom in the USA...

So, my Friends all around the world, I would like to cite Rolls-Royce Motor Cars as one of my favourites:

"Season’s greetings to all our fans! We’ve enjoyed having you along for the ride in 2012. Stay with us in 2013 – it’s set to be exciting!"


Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. december 15., szombat

The Rookie Humorist - Sports

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hungary keeps on inspiring me... This time it is sports...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. december 8., szombat

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - No Immediate Success

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The below picture is about the Unknown Customer(s) of Boeing... Very recently an Unknown Customer has ordered 2 Boeing 747-8 Freighters and this is immensely encouraging for all fans of the Jumbo Jet in a very serious and worldwide recession... In the vase: a Boeing rose!

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. december 2., vasárnap


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Cheese became so precious... Is there a problem?

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. november 21., szerda

Spring Flowers

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am also interested in applied arts... For example CNN.com could have new screen-savers...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. november 9., péntek

Church Song

Madonna: Congelato

Vides tantum quod videre oculis tuis
vita potest esse quod vis
vestri 'congelato cum animus tuus Suus' non aperto
Te tam igni quam is
perdis operam odio vindex
vestri 'frangitur quando cor vestrum Suus' non aperto

si possem liquefáciet cor vestrum
volumus numquam fuit seorsum
da te ad
tenetis cincinno

culpa autem non est necessarium ponere
patior et ipse Scias
si perdam vos
cor meum rumpetur
amor est avis
opus ad volatum
dicat omnis nocere intra te mori
vestri 'congelato cum animus tuus Suus' non aperto

si possem liquefáciet cor vestrum
volumus numquam fuit seorsum
da te ad
tenetis cincinno

(Translation: Google Translator)

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. október 17., szerda

Airbus A380 - A Certain Kind Of Beauty

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the picture below you can see an Airbus A380 with a force field...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. szeptember 25., kedd

Mamma Mia!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The 3 Rolls-Royce Phantom DHCs in the pictures below are incredibly Greek, sportive and solemn... A truly beautiful tribute to the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2012 in London... I think these artworks of Rolls-Royce are for sale, too...

And as a look into the bright future the veneers are already made out of Brazilian wood (teak-wood is Brazilian, isn't it)... We are looking forward to Rio de Janeiro 2016!

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. szeptember 16., vasárnap

The Paradox Of Loneliness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My Atlantis is so deep that nobody comes after me...
However if nobody comes after me then I am in security...
It is not good to be alone but it is secure...
And if you are in security then your wishes come true...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. szeptember 6., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Environmental Protection In China

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In Randy's Journal I have found some eye-candy today... The airplane in the picture is a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - unfortunately I cannot read the text... A few ideas:

1) More efficiency. More range. More passengers.
2) Enjoy Heavenly Peace on our new airliner...
3) The Great Chinese Wall is not about traveling... But this airplane!
4) Boeing 747-8I - the biggest event since the Olympic Games...
5) Sunrise Livery - the colour of my soul...
6) Boeing 747-8I - a Chinese opera in the air...
7) Everett, WA - The Forbidden City

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. augusztus 20., hétfő

Heaven Lite

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have been looking for images of Lesbian superstars Cynthia Nixon, Ellen DeGeneres and Annie Lennox on the web - thank God, there are lots of pictures and all that I downloaded were so beautiful that I had to attach all of them to this Blog Post...

I think Lesbian women are a marvel... Perhaps they are the top of being female and powerful at the same time... They are independent from men, they have a career and they radiate love, intelligence and faith... I think that it is marvelous, too that you cannot really talk about a Lesbian sub-culture any more (among others because of such Lesbian superstars) - only about a culture in general that is stronger and more colorful than ever before... Like it or not strong women also make the way of success and social integration easier for gay men...

I think the world needs more of self-conscious Lesbian women...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. augusztus 5., vasárnap

A Little Bit Of Blasphemy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My bodyguards (SWAT) have got a list of the enemies of peace:

1) mentally sick people,
2) the lower 10,000,
3) parties of the opposition,
4) lonely people,
5) adults living in a bad marriage,
6) the military,
7) religious extremists,
8) very intelligent people,
9) artists,
10) physical workers...

Of course, they also have methods for the restoration of peace:

1) public education,
2) free health care,
3) stately acknowledgement of achievements,
4) automation,
5) changing the system of the society,
6) luxuries,
7) the law enforcement system,
8) sexy SWAT teams...

I do hope that my sexy bodyguards didn't mean a word of the above... This must have been only a test...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. július 20., péntek

The 3 Little Pigs

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I promised you that I am going to tell you fairy tales if I don't have any better idea... Now here you have the well-known story of the 3 little pigs applied to heavy industry... 50 Jumbo Jets - Converted Freighters or 747-8 Intercontinentals - are 50 Jumbo Jets anyway...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Boeing Converted Freighters fabulous at 50

2012. május 27., vasárnap


Ladies and Gentlemen,

According to Kabbalism, randomness comes from the Opposer - that's why many think a Kabbalistic Board Game is impossible... In fact it is possible because in the Kabbalistic Board Game you can win over the Opposer (randomness) by Kabbalistic teachings - such as giving up the ego, prayers or sharing... The Kabbalistic Board Game (for 4 to 6 players) brings people closer to each other and to God... The winner is who can collect the most figures (believers) for him- or herself through wisdom...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. május 19., szombat

2012 - Jesus Christ Popsicle

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Finally, after the Pharaoh Mummy Candy Bar, the Olympos Cotton Candy or the Buddhist Santa Claus here you have the sweetness for Christians: the Jesus Christ Popsicle...

In my opinion it is healthier to eat a salad... The best salad souce is made of 1/2 oil and 1/2 vinegar as far as I know but mayonnaise is also o.k.

The Jesus Christ Popsicle definitely has to do with tebowing - which I used to be a big fan of...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 17., csütörtök

Papal Top 10 May 17th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What do I want to produce as a Pope? The answer is simple: quality... Let's say I give my Papal Seal to selected goods for a percentage of 2% from the revenue they create... In my Papal Basket there can be only 10 products at a given time... Today's Top 10 includes:

a) the Maybach, Duesenberg and Packard luxury car labels,
b) the Kindle e-readers,
c) music and movies from Joseph de la Mikula,
d) the Amazon Cloud Drive,
e) the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental,
f) trades on eBay,
g) the Facel Vega luxury car label,
h) crude oil,
i) hydrogen (gasous or liquid),
j) spacecraft of any types...

On my Papal incomes out of taxes and businesses I would like to finance 3 charities:

a) office apartments,
b) public education and
c) health care...

"Get ready for the election - ACME is the finest selection!" (ACME)

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. május 16., szerda

Bill (On Increasing Democracy) As Of May 16th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) I think you can speak about real democracy when it is mandatory for all grown-ups of a Nation to be a member of a political party of their choice...

2) Explanation:

a) grown-ups will have lots of free time in the future as intellectuals - so you can expect from them that they engage themselves and make themselves useful in politics (that means in the society of grown-ups),
b) ideas like "you don't need to have an opinion" or "you can remain silent" or "you can disappear" sound very bad,
c) "mandatory" means in this bill that the Nation needs the work, intelligence, opinion, uniqueness etc. of every member of the grown-up population...

3) Practical details:

a) "mandatory" is ideal or an exaggaration, too - who doesn't want to or cannot participate in politics can also pay a higher percentage of VAT - you are done,
b) the members of the Royal Family are an exception to the rule and non-political by definition,
c) one or more parties for beginners should be also established - for people who show interest but are no experts yet,
d) thanks to computer technology it seems to be easy to realize the above purposes...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. május 8., kedd

Vice Versa

Ladies and Gentlemen,

ACME for Pope! Or vice versa: the Pope for a fashion icon!

O.k., I am Lutheran still being a Pope must be thrilling... For example:

a) "The Archbishop of Milan wants to talk to you, your Holiness..."
b) "O.k., which line???"
c) "The Cardinal of New York is asking for an audience, your Holiness..."
d) "Sure!"
e) "A wonder has happened, your Holiness..."
f) "Why don't they call the fire-fighters? Only kidding..."
g) "Your dinner is ready, your Holiness..."
h) "Mmmm... My favourite!"
i) "In India a white elephant was sighted, your Holiness..."
j) "And I have seen a white mammoth... Next!"
k) "You are about to write a novel, your Holiness?"
l) "No, I'm blogging..."

Obviously there are many more arguments for the Pope becoming a fashion icon...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. május 1., kedd

ACME Launch Inc.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The ACME Launch Inc. tackles the design, construction and launch of satellites - to anywhere in space... Let's have a look at traditional satellites:

Board Computer (super-high-tech, cutting edge etc.)                                   2.00 kg
Solar Panels                                                                                    2 x        20.00 kg
Antennas                                                                                         2 x        20.00 kg
Truss                                                                                                            10.00 kg
Unknown Mass                                                                                       4,908.00 kg

Altogether                                                                                               5,000.00 kg

By reducing the Unknown Mass in our satellites to 0.00 kg the ACME Launch Inc. can carry 50 satellites instead of 1 satellite into orbit... Think your next satellite launches over and choose ACME Launch Inc. - the value for your money!

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. április 28., szombat

On The Perfect Creation

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have already found out that female chests (considering the relatively small quantity of successors) are there to display the jewelry of the family...

Today I have found out a 2nd function, too: you also have to protect that jewelry... "Don't touch my chest!" or "You have been gazing my chests for 2 hours, you swine!" - these are prooves from folklore...

Best wishes, ACME and Team