2012. május 1., kedd

ACME Launch Inc.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The ACME Launch Inc. tackles the design, construction and launch of satellites - to anywhere in space... Let's have a look at traditional satellites:

Board Computer (super-high-tech, cutting edge etc.)                                   2.00 kg
Solar Panels                                                                                    2 x        20.00 kg
Antennas                                                                                         2 x        20.00 kg
Truss                                                                                                            10.00 kg
Unknown Mass                                                                                       4,908.00 kg

Altogether                                                                                               5,000.00 kg

By reducing the Unknown Mass in our satellites to 0.00 kg the ACME Launch Inc. can carry 50 satellites instead of 1 satellite into orbit... Think your next satellite launches over and choose ACME Launch Inc. - the value for your money!

Best wishes, ACME and Team

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