2012. május 27., vasárnap


Ladies and Gentlemen,

According to Kabbalism, randomness comes from the Opposer - that's why many think a Kabbalistic Board Game is impossible... In fact it is possible because in the Kabbalistic Board Game you can win over the Opposer (randomness) by Kabbalistic teachings - such as giving up the ego, prayers or sharing... The Kabbalistic Board Game (for 4 to 6 players) brings people closer to each other and to God... The winner is who can collect the most figures (believers) for him- or herself through wisdom...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. május 19., szombat

2012 - Jesus Christ Popsicle

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Finally, after the Pharaoh Mummy Candy Bar, the Olympos Cotton Candy or the Buddhist Santa Claus here you have the sweetness for Christians: the Jesus Christ Popsicle...

In my opinion it is healthier to eat a salad... The best salad souce is made of 1/2 oil and 1/2 vinegar as far as I know but mayonnaise is also o.k.

The Jesus Christ Popsicle definitely has to do with tebowing - which I used to be a big fan of...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 17., csütörtök

Papal Top 10 May 17th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What do I want to produce as a Pope? The answer is simple: quality... Let's say I give my Papal Seal to selected goods for a percentage of 2% from the revenue they create... In my Papal Basket there can be only 10 products at a given time... Today's Top 10 includes:

a) the Maybach, Duesenberg and Packard luxury car labels,
b) the Kindle e-readers,
c) music and movies from Joseph de la Mikula,
d) the Amazon Cloud Drive,
e) the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental,
f) trades on eBay,
g) the Facel Vega luxury car label,
h) crude oil,
i) hydrogen (gasous or liquid),
j) spacecraft of any types...

On my Papal incomes out of taxes and businesses I would like to finance 3 charities:

a) office apartments,
b) public education and
c) health care...

"Get ready for the election - ACME is the finest selection!" (ACME)

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. május 16., szerda

Bill (On Increasing Democracy) As Of May 16th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) I think you can speak about real democracy when it is mandatory for all grown-ups of a Nation to be a member of a political party of their choice...

2) Explanation:

a) grown-ups will have lots of free time in the future as intellectuals - so you can expect from them that they engage themselves and make themselves useful in politics (that means in the society of grown-ups),
b) ideas like "you don't need to have an opinion" or "you can remain silent" or "you can disappear" sound very bad,
c) "mandatory" means in this bill that the Nation needs the work, intelligence, opinion, uniqueness etc. of every member of the grown-up population...

3) Practical details:

a) "mandatory" is ideal or an exaggaration, too - who doesn't want to or cannot participate in politics can also pay a higher percentage of VAT - you are done,
b) the members of the Royal Family are an exception to the rule and non-political by definition,
c) one or more parties for beginners should be also established - for people who show interest but are no experts yet,
d) thanks to computer technology it seems to be easy to realize the above purposes...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. május 8., kedd

Vice Versa

Ladies and Gentlemen,

ACME for Pope! Or vice versa: the Pope for a fashion icon!

O.k., I am Lutheran still being a Pope must be thrilling... For example:

a) "The Archbishop of Milan wants to talk to you, your Holiness..."
b) "O.k., which line???"
c) "The Cardinal of New York is asking for an audience, your Holiness..."
d) "Sure!"
e) "A wonder has happened, your Holiness..."
f) "Why don't they call the fire-fighters? Only kidding..."
g) "Your dinner is ready, your Holiness..."
h) "Mmmm... My favourite!"
i) "In India a white elephant was sighted, your Holiness..."
j) "And I have seen a white mammoth... Next!"
k) "You are about to write a novel, your Holiness?"
l) "No, I'm blogging..."

Obviously there are many more arguments for the Pope becoming a fashion icon...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

2012. május 1., kedd

ACME Launch Inc.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The ACME Launch Inc. tackles the design, construction and launch of satellites - to anywhere in space... Let's have a look at traditional satellites:

Board Computer (super-high-tech, cutting edge etc.)                                   2.00 kg
Solar Panels                                                                                    2 x        20.00 kg
Antennas                                                                                         2 x        20.00 kg
Truss                                                                                                            10.00 kg
Unknown Mass                                                                                       4,908.00 kg

Altogether                                                                                               5,000.00 kg

By reducing the Unknown Mass in our satellites to 0.00 kg the ACME Launch Inc. can carry 50 satellites instead of 1 satellite into orbit... Think your next satellite launches over and choose ACME Launch Inc. - the value for your money!

Best wishes, ACME and Team