2012. május 17., csütörtök

Papal Top 10 May 17th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What do I want to produce as a Pope? The answer is simple: quality... Let's say I give my Papal Seal to selected goods for a percentage of 2% from the revenue they create... In my Papal Basket there can be only 10 products at a given time... Today's Top 10 includes:

a) the Maybach, Duesenberg and Packard luxury car labels,
b) the Kindle e-readers,
c) music and movies from Joseph de la Mikula,
d) the Amazon Cloud Drive,
e) the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental,
f) trades on eBay,
g) the Facel Vega luxury car label,
h) crude oil,
i) hydrogen (gasous or liquid),
j) spacecraft of any types...

On my Papal incomes out of taxes and businesses I would like to finance 3 charities:

a) office apartments,
b) public education and
c) health care...

"Get ready for the election - ACME is the finest selection!" (ACME)

Best wishes, ACME and Team

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