2012. május 8., kedd

Vice Versa

Ladies and Gentlemen,

ACME for Pope! Or vice versa: the Pope for a fashion icon!

O.k., I am Lutheran still being a Pope must be thrilling... For example:

a) "The Archbishop of Milan wants to talk to you, your Holiness..."
b) "O.k., which line???"
c) "The Cardinal of New York is asking for an audience, your Holiness..."
d) "Sure!"
e) "A wonder has happened, your Holiness..."
f) "Why don't they call the fire-fighters? Only kidding..."
g) "Your dinner is ready, your Holiness..."
h) "Mmmm... My favourite!"
i) "In India a white elephant was sighted, your Holiness..."
j) "And I have seen a white mammoth... Next!"
k) "You are about to write a novel, your Holiness?"
l) "No, I'm blogging..."

Obviously there are many more arguments for the Pope becoming a fashion icon...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

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